SRE was developed for growers,
and is formulated of four growth hormones plus micronutrients to increase pod set, resulting in higher soybean yields.
Boron, B………………… 1.25%
Iron, Fe…………………… 0.10%
Manganese, Mn…………. 2.0%
Molybdenum, Mo….. 0.009%
Zinc, Zn…………………… 1.65%
DERIVED FROM: boric acid, iron EDTA, Manganese EDTA,
Molybdenum EDTA, zinc EDTA, cane sugar and proprietary
growth products; with a dual chelating agent.
Tank mix flexibility with most herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides, including Enlist One®. by:
Apply as a foliar fertilizer to soybeans between V3 and R2 at 2 Quart per acre.

General Information about SRE
SRE is a foliar systemic concentrate designed to promote flower development while increasing flower
retention in soybeans, in addition to dual mode synergetic suppression to soybean cyst nematodes.
Boron supports sugar movement to increase cytokinin levels to strengthen cell walls.
Iron works as a catalyst translocating chlorophyll.
Manganese activates enzymes involving nodulation and chlorophyll synthesis.
Molybdenum is a cofactor with nitrogen fixation assimilation alongside solidifying flower perianth.
Zinc advocates sugar movement promoting metabolic reactions.
Cane sugar (sucrose) synthesizes carbohydrates.
Micronutrients are dual-chelated for maximum protection against tie-up and incompatibility with other tank ingredients (fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, etc.)